Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Star Wars R2-D2 Interactive Robotic Droid

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not a Star Wars fan. Yes, I know many die hard fans would frown on this. However, I don't fail to recognize the fact that this film had created a great impact on the lives of millions of people. The continuing high demand for items based on the movie characters - both heroes and villains - are enough proof of this.

Star Wars R2-D2 Interactive Droid
The Star Wars R2-D2 Interactive Robotic Droid that is currently in the market is surely a big hit for any fan. This little droid is a replica of R2-D2 and is packed with the interactive features. Let's take a look at what this little robot can do.

The Good: What can Star Wars R2-D2 do?

R2 can obey what you tell it to do and can speak several clever sayings from the movie, too. When you want to get him to listen to you, just call his name "R2". This droid can understand over 40 different voice instructions and can do it when commanded.

One way that you can engage with the droid is to quiz R2-D2 about the characters that he knows. If R2 likes the character, he’ll respond in the positive and if he doesn’t like the character you ask him about, he’ll let you know.

When put in the game mode, R2 can do a lot of different functions. He can dance around or share some tunes with you. He can spin around, play games and even act as your lookout with his alarm as a warning sound.

He can also hold a beverage. You can command the droid to go in the direction that you want him to go to. Just tell him to “Turn right” or "Turn left" and other directions.

The droid has the ability to move without help from his human and can light up the beam on the front of his body. When you understand how to give him the right commands, you’ll be rewarded with a message.

What do you get when you buy this toy robot?

You’ll find several pieces in the box -- the body of the droid, his legs, the projector part, the sensory telescope, and the instruction book. You have to exert a little bit of effort to put him together when he arrives, but it’s not too detailed.

When assembled, R2-D2 stands just over 15 inches in height. He has a hidden compartment, a sensor scope, microphones and even a feature that will let you know what his mood is. The droid navigates using sonar technology coupled with location sensors.

The droid runs on batteries -- 4 AA batteries and 4 D batteries. But those are not included with the purchase, so you need to buy them separately.

The Bad: Are there any problems with this R2-D2 droid?

Unlike the Meccano Meccanoid Personal Robot, which is difficult to assemble according to buyers, this Star Wars droid is easy to assemble. The problem is the inability of R2-D2 to decipher voice commands. It's being "unresponsive 50% of the time" is a major disappointment to many kids.

Is this product worth buying?
The Star Wars R2-D2 is still a good toy to buy. It will give extra hours of fun to kids, especially the Star Wars fans. But be reminded that it is recommended for kids who are 8 and up.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Meccano MeccaNoid Personal Robot Review

Have you seen any movie featuring a cool robot that had the ability to do so many different things? Did your son watch it with you? If his response is one of awe and excitement, then perhaps he would like to have one. Now, you can surprise him with a robot -- the Meccano MeccaNoid Personal Robot.

What Does the Meccano MeccaNoid Personal Robot Do?

Meccano MeccaNoid Personal Robot
Many people are excited with the release of this new toy robot on the market. In fact, it is included in the 2015 Toys R Us Holidays Hot Toys list, which many toy experts believe will become bestsellers this Christmas. But what is so great about this Meccano MeccaNoid G15? Read on to find out its many features.